An Introduction Addressed to the army Coup Crusaders . This army, currently a colony of Ice Warriors run by leaders Coolguy, Frostty, JustAsh, Flav and LawCorazon, was actually created by Stevos, Earthing, and Olimad3 with the first leader being Catalyst. I recognize the hard work the leaders of CC have put in, but we have tried to talk to the current generation’s leader, Coolguy, but he refuses to even respond to me on the matter that I’m going to tell you about in this post. With this and in light of the toxicity and the state of the army, the original creators all firmly believe that the CC have strayed from its original intentions, becoming a blemish in the community, and should thus be closed down. The Army Now As I said before CC was created as a joke as something to do for a day, have one event see how it does and then delete it and leave it in the past. I never wanted it to become a full army and certainly not a colony of IW. From bullying to insulting LGA ...