An Introduction
Addressed to the army Coup Crusaders.
This army, currently a colony of Ice Warriors run by leaders Coolguy, Frostty, JustAsh, Flav and LawCorazon, was actually created by Stevos, Earthing, and Olimad3 with the first leader being Catalyst.
I recognize the hard work the leaders of CC have put in, but we have tried to talk to the current generation’s leader, Coolguy, but he refuses to even respond to me on the matter that I’m going to tell you about in this post. With this and in light of the toxicity and the state of the army, the original creators all firmly believe that the CC have strayed from its original intentions, becoming a blemish in the community, and should thus be closed down.
The Army Now
As I said before CC was created as a joke as something to do for a day, have one event see how it does and then delete it and leave it in the past. I never wanted it to become a full army and certainly not a colony of IW. From bullying to insulting LGA in the Beach Brawl Finals and certainly much more toxicity filling the CPA community. What creator wants their army, their CREATION, to become a hub of bullying and causing hurt to others. And I think these screenshots speak for themselves.
Muting/Banning & Disrespecting Creators
Just the other day my friends and I joined the server to try to get answers but all we got was muted and banned for trying to ask questions or for clarification on the matter. When my friends tried to ask what they did to be banned they were met with this. Banned for asking questions? My army is not a place I want someone to be banned for just simply speaking up or asking questions.
Forcing Olimad3 to hand over the domain to Coolguy just to be unbanned from the server.
When asked to give the creator role some kind of honor in their chat Coolguy gave this excuse. You can go to any chat anywhere and if the creator of the army is in the server they are given a role of some kind of honor and a leader doesn't give sorry excuses such as this one.
Later on, a creator chat was created on the server. In this chat instead of fixing things or trying to talk to me, they proceeded to meme on me. This chat was only created for memes. Using hiring as a joke to also disrespect their own army creator.
Who really created it?
The creators of CC are as mentioned before Stevos, Earthing, and Olimad3 with assistance from first leader Catalyst. The current generation of CC leaders when asked, declined the fact that I created CC even though their own history page says that I did. Simply it makes no sense at all.
The Army CC was Created as a joke to begin with
But Earthing, Olimad3 and Catalyst all wanted to give it atleast a shot at being a real army after the defacement.
Shortly after the creators became inactive on discord and left the army in others hands to stray away from the path they intended on it following and becoming a ground for bullying.
In Conclusion
A creator needs no reason to shut down an army of his own creation. But the very fact that CC has gone to harassing members of the CPA community, becoming part of a toxic side of CPA , publicly disrespecting LGA, PZF and other armies, has given me no choice than to officially close down the CC.
Stevos, CC Creator
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